The following articles were published by The Guardian, newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia, in its issue of February 25th, 2004.

Reproduction of articles, together with acknowledgement if appropriate,
is welcome.

The Guardian, 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills, Sydney 2010 Australia.

Editor: Anna Pha

Communist Party of Australia, 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 
10 Australia.

General Secretary: Peter Symon

Phone (02) 9212 6855         Fax: (02) 9281 5795    Email CPA


Subscription rates are available on requests.

Editorial: Who defends our national interests?

Prime Minister Howard and his Minister consistently claim that their
policies are in Australia's "national interest".

We are told that the war in Iraq and the "war on terrorism" are in the
national interest. The subsequent "terror laws" and keeping refugees out
of Australia are claimed to be in the national interest. The expenditure
of an extra $50 billion on military hardware is in the national
interest. The Free Trade Agreement with the United States and the US
alliance is also promoted making the same assertion.

The policies of Howard and his government are actually in the interests
of only a tiny minority of the Australian people. In what way has the
war in Iraq helped the Australian people? How does the purchase of huge
quantities of sophisticated weapons help to make Australia secure when
absolutely no country threatens Australia? How will war against China or
the Democratic People's Republic of Korea help the Australian people?
How will the FTA help the working people of Australia when many will
lose their jobs and some industries will be wiped out as a result of a
flood of US imports?

The real national interest of the Australian people was expressed in the
Australia-wide demonstrations that opposed Australian involvement in the
war in Iraq and now oppose the scandalous expenditure of $43 million per
day on armaments while Medicare and public education are starved of

The real national interest is to be found in the policies of those who
campaign for the strengthening of public education and public health and
the elimination of university fees. All of this could be easily funded
were it not for the huge expenditures now being wasted on military
hardware and the preparation for wars.

The wars against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq, to mention only the
most recent, were all about power and the pursuit of the profit
interests of the big corporations out to control the supply of oil and
win military contracts.

Nationalism is also promoted and tied into the propaganda about
"national interests". It takes the form of beefing up the armed forces
and their supposed exploits. Howard personally attends every possible
military parade and anniversary.

While actually betraying Australia's independence and sovereignty the
Australian corporate ruling class and the daily media that they control,
frequently talk about everything Australian being the "best in the
world". They ignore or down-play the abilities and achievements of other
countries. Information about other countries is largely limited to
Britain and the United States.

Some years ago the then CEO of General Motors remarked that "what is in
the interests of General Motors is in the interests of the US". His
remark illustrates the attempt of big business to identify its interests
with those of everyone else in the country.

Karl Marx quoted, as a footnote to his monumental work Capital, the
reality of capitalist greed and immorality: "Capital eschews no profit,
or very small profit, just as Nature was formerly said to abhor a
vacuum. With adequate profit, capital is very bold. A certain 10 percent
will ensure its employment anywhere; 20 percent certain will produce
eagerness; 50 percent, positive audacity; 100 percent will make it ready
to trample on all human laws; 300 percent, and there is not a crime at
which it will scruple, nor a risk it will not run, even to the chance of
its owner being hanged. If turbulence and strife will bring a profit, it
will freely encourage both. Smuggling and the slave-trade have amply
proved all that is here stated." (Marx-Engels Collected Works Vol 35

The cry about "national interests" coming from Howard & Co. is a fraud
and the promotion of nationalism is a crime that divides the Australian
people from the people of other countries. It breeds another crime -
racism - that feeds on the idea of national superiority by one country
over another.

The Communist Party stands for the interests of the working people of
Australia - the overwhelming majority - and it is their interests that
are truly national. Along with this goes belief in the common interests
of all working people of all countries.



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