Socialist Party newsletter
Wednesday 19th July 2000
Produced every second Wednesday
PO Box 1015, Collingwood 3066   Ph: (03) 9417 0805   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web address:

New Melbourne Branch Programme
The next few branch meetings for Melbourne are as follows:
25th July: The life of Leon Trotsky - 60 years since his assassination.
Speaker Jonas from the Swedish section of the CWI.
1st August: Business meeting
8th August: Health and safety in the workplace: lessons from activists.
Speakers include Steve Roach (ex-Shearers Union, now WorkCover and Ben
Matthews, CFMEU steward, personal capacity)
15th August: Business meeting
22nd August:  Debate with Democratic Socialist Party on Cuba to mark
publication of the CWI's Peter Taaffe's new book on Cuba. The book defends
our position and highlights the weaknesses of the DSP's position in light
of an article by them in their internal bulletin. Organised by New
International Book Shop Collective.
All meetings at 7pm at New International Bookshop, Trades Hall, cnr Lygon
St and Victoria St, Carlton South. Phone 9417 0805 for a lift or help with
child care.

Sydney Branch meetings
Saturday 2nd September 4:30pm - Free Trade - Fair Trade - what it means for
workers. Parramatta TownHall.
Tuesday 11 September 6:30pm - Fighting Globalisation - launch of the SP
pamphlet. Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, King St, Newtown (opposite railway

New Books
We have just released two new publications
* Cancel the Debt! A socialist programme for the anti-globalisation
movement. $2. Includes explanation of globalisation, the role of the IMF
and World Bank, colonialism today, and a socialist alternative.
* Cuba: Debates on the revolution and today by Peter Taaffe. $15 from
bookshops, $12 direct from Socialist Party.
A must read for every worker and young person serious about their politics.
Takes up the question of Cuba, permanent revolution, stages theory, DSP and
more in a very accessible style. Come to the debate!
S11 latest
We are highly involved in building for the action at the Crown Towers from
September 11th-13th. 1,000 CEO's of the major multinationals will join
politicians and right-wing 'experts' to better plan how to rip us off and
destroy the environment.
Only this week, Heinz workers felt the effects of globalisation with their
plant in Dandenong set to close and relocate to New Zealand where wages are
lower. Over 200 workers will lose their jobs.
The Socialist Party is concentrating on the high school students strike on
Monday September 11th at 9am at Flinders St Station. Make sure you and your
school attend. If you are not a school student, give leaflets to students
you know, or leaflet your local schools. Phone 9417 0805 for leaflets or

Come to the Sydney Olympics Protest!
Seats are going fast. The coach to the Olympic Protest leaves Melbourne's
Trades Hall on Thursday September 14th at 6pm to get into Sydney the next
morning for the Opening Ceremony. There we will join members of the
Aboriginal community to march to the Games themselves to peacefully defy
the anti-civil rights legislation banning protest and to protest at the
elitism of the Games.
The coach arrives back in Melbourne on Saturday afternoon (16th). It's $20
for a deposit on a seat. The coach will have music, entertainment and lots
of politics. Don't miss the chance of a lifetime. Book now by contacting us
at the above phone number or email or postal address.
Paper sales
Public sales results for past two weeks. Friday 7th July sale in City: $134
raised. Saturday 8th July sale at Victoria Market: $61. Friday 14th July
sale in City: $41. Saturday 15th July sale at Victoria Market: $32

Thanks to those who donated to the special appeal to send Zac Wright and
Matt Wilson to the CWI's Euro School in Belgium. They are there now. The
target was well and truely broken.


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