The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
March 4th, 1999. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
Subscription rates on request.

By Tom Pearson
The Howard Government is gearing up for an all-out assault on
unions in the building industry. It was revealed last week that
the Government was conspiring with building industry employers.
The Government has approached building companies with government
contracts offering them support during industrial action if they
support the Reith/Howard agenda.

Companies willing to impose a Code of Practice, devised by the
Government, for the industry have been told that their contract
will be altered so that deadlines can be changed, and penalties
for failing to comply with contractual obligations scrapped.

The Code outlaws unionised sites (closed shops) and allows
employers to claim that they have been coerced into workplace
agreements, and so opt out of them.

The contract changes would apply during any dispute over the code
or the Workplace Relations Act.

"This is one of the key pieces of the jigsaw in revealing Peter
Reith's coming assault on the building industry", said John
Sutton, National Secretary of the Construction Division of the

"When Peter Reith and his employer advocate, Jonathan Hamberger,
provoke a dispute, contractors will be given the incentive to
hold out by extensions to their contracts. Reith underwrote
Patrick in the docks dispute. Now he wants to do the same in the
building industry."

Hamberger was previously head of the Building Industry Taskforce
in NSW, which had a program to attack building unions in that
State. As Employment Advocate for the Howard Government he is now
the overseer for enforcing Australian Workplace Agreements
(individual contracts) on behalf of employers.

In the building industry Hamberger's office has been on a
vendetta, harassing union officials on a daily basis.

A leaked internal memo from employer body Master Builders
Australia says that the Government has confirmed "undertakings
given to Master Builders Australia by the Department of
Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business that contracts
Šwith government departments would be applied in a manner which
supported the application of the Government's workplace relations
policy and objectives."

The memo said this "would be done by allowing the extension of
time for practical completion of works where an industrial
dispute attributable to the National Code of Practice and beyond
the control of the relevant contractor delays the practical
completion of the works."

The Government has also ordered the Productivity Commission to
compile yet another report critical of regulations, work
practices, conditions in enterprise agreements, awards, and of
the role of unions. This is to be used as a pretext to launch an
attack on the CFMEU and other unions in the building

Their aim is to take away the union's means to enter into pattern
agreements, whereby the union negotiates a standard enterprise
agreement which organisers then go out and have applied at the
thousands of sites around the country. This ensures the same
conditions for workers across the industry.

"The decision to give government contractors extensions on their
contracts is, in our view, a conspiracy between the government
and certain employers to try and weaken the ability of unions to
bargain", Alex Bukarica, Construction Division Assistant National
Secretary, told "The Guardian".

It would assist employers to hold out against industrial action
or in cases where they locked out a workforce.

"It's all about giving employers a leg-up at the expense of
workers. It's about attempting to make building workers suffer in
terms of their wages and conditions, driving those conditions
down in order to maximise the profits of employers", said Mr

"It's got nothing to do with productivity, it's got nothing to
with protecting the individual. It's about sending up the profits
of the multinationals in our industry."

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