Yesterday an article was posted on Leftlink with the subject 
heading "MUA: Snatching defeat from the Jaws of Victory" that did 
not meet the guidelines for the list, being basically a discussion 
piece regarding an intra-organisational struggle. 

It is Leftlink policy not to publish discussion items or polemical 
pieces regarding struggles inside the Left. However, this article 
accidentally slipped through the net...

We have received a message from  Dick Nichols, the National 
Industrial Convenor of the Democratic Socialist Party, seeking to  
reply to this message on Leftlink. We are unable to post this article 
to the list as it too is a discussion piece and does not meet the 

For those interested in reading this article it is available on the 
DSP homepage at or directly on

Marg Hutton

Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

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