Letter from Max Lane to  East Timorese activists and supporters in Sydney,

Dear friends of East Timor,

I am writing to you at this time of suffering, crisis and struggle in East
Timor to reaffirm the commitment of all the activists of ASIET to campaign
in solidarity with the East Timorese people. The recent actions and
manoeuvres of the Habibie regime and the Indonesian military and the brutal,
cruel and terroristic campaigns of the ABRI backed terror gang militias once
again emphasise the necessity of increasing pressure from organised and
mobilised public opinion. Habibie was forced to retreat on the question of
East Timor last January as a result of the struggle of the East Timorese
people and of international solidarity pressure. Now the Indonesian regime
and military is trying to take back what has been squeezed out of it.

ASIET commits itself to escalating its activities and its support for other
groups' activities in support of East Timor. ASIET will be organising weekly
and emergency pickets of the Indonesian consulate and the Indonesian Trade
Promotion Centre in Sydney and Melbourne and will be organising emergency
speak-outs in other cities.

ASIET is calling for large FREE EAST TIMOR rallies at the start of all May
Day marches and rallies in Australia and for supporters of East Timor to
help form big FREE EAST TIMOR contingents in the May Day marches. We would
like to work together with CNRT, FRETILIN, UDT and all East Timorese
activists and all East Timorese solidarity groups to make these contingents
as big as possible.

ASIET restates its commitment to help make the International Day of
Solidarity with Indonesian and East Timorese Students on May 22 as big as

In all these campaigns, ASIET supports the following demands:
(1) that the Indonesian armed forces (ABRI) immediately disarm the
ABRI-backed terror gangs and withdraw all its forces from East Timor
(2) that a United Nations presence be allowed in East Timor to monitor this
(3) that there be a U.N. supervised referendum on self-determination in East
Timor as soon as possible
(4) that the Australian government immediately suspend all military ties
with Jakarta
(5) that the Australian government immediately end its recognition of
Indonesian sovereignty over East Timor, which is also the position of the
United Nations resolutions

We look forward to working with you on making the FREE EAST TIMOR rally and
contingent at May Day and the International Day of Solidarity with East
Timorese and Indonesian Students as successful as possible.

Yours in solidarity,

Max Lane, National Coordinator, ASIET

Telephone: 61-(0)2-96901230
Fax: 61-(0)2-96901381
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Webpage: http://www.peg.apc.org/~asiet
Free all kidnap victims of the military! No more military in politics!
Bring to justice all New Order violators of human rights!
Free Xanana Gusmao! Free Budiman Sujatmiko! Free Dita Sari!
Free all political prisoners in Indonesia and East Timor!
Unban the books of Pramoedya Ananta Toer!


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