the Australia Karen Youth Project (AKYP)
and Footscray Community Arts Centre


The Hidden Land
a theatre production of the life & struggles of the Karen people from Burma

Directed by John Bolton
  with Pongjit Saphakhun, Richard Barber, Ler Say Wai, Jennifer Nield &
Samantha Bews

performed by the Karen community of Melbourne

Saturday, November 10, 7.30pm
Sunday, November 11, 4.00pm

Footscray Community Arts Centre
45 Moreland St, Footscray

Tickets: $8 full/$5 concession/children free
Bookings: 9689 5677 or 9388 9090


Karen Community Festival

A free event
in the grounds of the Footscray Community Arts Centre
on Sunday, November 11
from 12noon to 4.00pm

· talks by leaders of the Karen National Union on a national speaking tour
· launch of a Karen CD project with live music performance
· information, food and handicraft stalls
· a photo exhibition and videos from Karen state and the refugee camps
· presentation of traditional dance, childrens games and Karen sport

this project has been generously supported by the Australia Council for the
Arts & VicHealth

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264, Fitzroy Vic 3065 Australia
Tel: 61 3 9663 7277   Fax: 61 3 9662 4557
Assn No: A1318   ABN: 82 920 590 967


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