Anti-capitalist protesters successfully blockaded the Melbourne city Nike 
store for the seventh week running on Friday (May 11).

Everyone is urged to come back next week for leafletting from 4pm and for a 
non-violent blockade of this sweatshop corporation from 5pm. Corner of 
Swanston and Bourke sts.

Why is the blockade taking place? Come along and see the video of the 
documentary Nike: No Sweat? to find out what Nike has to hide.

It's being shown by the Brunswick branch of the International Socialist 
Organisation on Wednesday, May 16, at 7.30pm at Caffe Mingo, 600 Sydney Rd, 
Brunswick. No charge.

After the video we'll be talking about the issues and how we can build the 
No Sweat campaign.

For more info, ring 9386 4815.

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