Email-friendly leaflet for 3 June RAC rally. Please distribute widely.
Free the Refugees

National Day of Action

Endorsed by Refugee Action Collective, ACTU and NUS

In Victoria, endorsed by Trades Hall, Ethnic Communities' Council, 
Victorian Council of Social Service


1pm, June 3

State Library

(cnr Swanston and Latrobe sts)

march to DIMA and then Flinders Street Station

    *.. Free the refugees

     *.. Full rights, not temporary visas

     *.. Funding for settlement, not detention

     *.. Stop racist scapegoating

Refugees fleeing persecution, torture and the fear of death arrive in
this country seeking safe haven. Instead they are locked up in remote
and inhospitable desert compounds surrounded by razor wire - what the
Bishop of Perth has rightly called "concentration camps". End this
disgusting racist policy.


Please bring a contingent of friends, workmates, classmates,
neighbours-and bring a banner, lots of noise, singing, chanting,
effigies, etc.

Posters available at Trades Hall bookshop, cnr Victoria and Lygon sts

Initiated by Refugee Action Collectives in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra,
Brisbane and Perth.

For more information: phone 0418 347 374 OR 03 9386 4815. Email:



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