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Protest on US Independence Day
US - out of Iraq: End the Occupation
   a.. end US occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq
   b.. No US attacks on Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria
   c.. Israel out of Palestine
   d.. Indepenence for Aceh
Rally: Friday July 4 (US Independence Day)
  5.30pm @ NIKE (cnr Swanston & Bourke St, City)

call Allen on 0403 894 842 or 9639 8622 for more info
endorsed: Darebin Anti War Group, Chilean Popular & Indigenous Network,
BooksNotBombs, Socialist Alliance, CISLAC (Committees in Solidarity with
Latin America and the Caribbean), ASAP (Action in Solidarity with Asia
Pacific), Women for Peace

Bush, Blair and Howard have used the lie of weapons of mass destruction
to justify the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Months down the track, Iraq is devastated, no weapons have been found,
thousands of people have been killed and the US occupying forces have
replaced Saddam Hussein as the new dictators.

In an attempt to re-shape the world according to US imperialist
interests, the Bush administration is violating and threatening the
sovereignty and independence of Third world nations who refuse to be US

As the US is celebrating their Independence Day, thousands of people
around the globe languish under US domination.20

So join the protest against the US war on the Third World


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