Melbourne Radical Women Meeting

Tuesday, 28 October, 7.00 pm

Women Say NO to the War at Home

Bush's war of global conquest is claiming casualties at home. In the 
United States, women face a full-scale gender war. Hard-won rights to 
reproductive choice and affirmative action are under attack, while the 
militarised economy destroys social services, education funding, welfare 
relief, housing programs, healthcare, childcare and supports for elders 
and the disabled. George W. has defunded agencies that monitor 
discrimination, he opposes sex education programs which advocate 
anything other than abstinence, and he's on a mission to outlaw 
abortion. He wants women to clean up the mess from this broken-down 
profit system.

Bush is not alone. His visit this month with John Howard, fellow 
warmonger and patriarch-in-arms, signals open warfare on women here.

Add your voice to feminists around the world who are speaking out 
against these attacks, and discuss how to build an anti-capitalist 
revolution for global peace and women's rights. Everyone is welcome!

A mouthwatering dinner, with vegetarian option, served at 6.30 pm for a
$6.50 donation.

The meeting will be held at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.
Plenty of parking, or take a North Coburg tram or Upfield train.

For information, contact Radical Women
* Ph: 03-9386-3230 * Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* website:



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