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Hello there!!

Fair Wear is a coalition of Trade Unions, church groups, students,
individuals... who work to eliminate the exploitation of outworkers in

While we are running part of our campaign from WEST SPACE an artist run not
for profit Gallery,(1st floor 15 - 19 Anthony Street,MELBOURNE)  we are
screening videos of the WTO Seattle footage, Fair Wear doco, doco on child
labour in the Hunduras and footage of Nike CEO Phil Knight at a press
conference (Hmm the last one not really).  There are also fantastic anti
Nike T shirts to buy and petitions to sign,work by the Free Timor Campaign,
Maori Activists and other artists.

Thursday 3 August @6:30pm at WEST SPACE  there will be a forum on the
fairwear campaign.  Prominent speakers will address the complexities of
encouraging companies to sign the Homeworkers Code of Practice for good PR(
as a pledge to not exploit outworkers or homebased workers in Australia) ,
the difficulties in accurately engaging shopping trends to deliver this
promise, maintaining media interest and the risks that face outworkers being
involved in the campaign.

West Space is really easy to find!! between A'beckett and Franklin Streets
nr Vic Market.HOURS WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY 12-6, SATURDAY 11 - 5
until August 5

for more information please contact Kylie Wilkinson on 93811062 or Shelly
Marshall on 9347 3377



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