On Friday 10 September 1999 over 25,000 people demonstrated in 
against the murders of East Timorese people by the Indonesian military.

The demonstration was organised by the Victorian Trades Hall Council 
(VTHC), the National Council of Timorese Resistance (CNRT), and 
unions, solidarity organisations, student groups and community groups. 

Industrial action against business supporting the Indonesian government 
military, including shipping and communications, is occurring across

The Indonesian independent trade unions FNPBI and SBSI recognise 
the East
Timorese people's right to national self-determination. SBSI has issued a
statement in support of the industrial action taking place in Australia
against the Indonesian military.

A Free Timor Coalition has been formed to coordinate protests in Melbourne.
The coalition includes the CNRT, the VTHC, the Australian Council of Trade
Unions, the National Union of Students and many other groups.

The Free Timor Coalition has called two more demonstrations in 
Melbourne, demanding the removal of Indonesian military from East 
Timor, the resettlement of East Timorese refugees, and the supply of 
emergency humanitarian aid to the refugees.  

Defend the East Timorese people.
Support Indonesian workers.
Support industrial action against the Indonesian military.

Wednesday 15 September; 5pm
Indonesian Consulate
72 Queens Road
Melbourne, Australia

Sunday 19 September; 2pm
Parliament House
Spring Street
Melbourne Australia

Send your solidarity messages to the demonstrations:

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 03 9419 5045   Fax: 03 9416 2746


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