Hello fellow activists, unionistws, students performers and friends.

Just thought I'd let you know about some radical street theatre some 
people organised from the Peace Office a bit over a week a ago. We 
dressed up as fairies and military oppressors, got lots of condoms, 
lollies, magic wands etc and jumped on a tram. We ripped down the sexist 
corporate advertising in the tram and stuck up peace concert flyers. We 
started persecuting each other for not having a ticket, then the 
persecutee would espouse the values of free public transport. We had a 
'goddess of pleasure', 'goddess oif pain' theme. Obviously the godess of 
pleasure would tell everyone they didn't need to buy a ticket, and the 
goddess of pain would do the reverse. We got to centerrelink, threw 
around condoms and lollies and handed out breach immunity cards and 
forms entitling people to 12mths obligation free benefits. In reality 
these were flyers explaining people's rights. The goddess of pleasure 
told everyone they had value as human beings, and would no longer have 
to wait in boring lines and bow down to Centrelink. The staff turned the 
alarm on, then turned on elevator music at mega volume, which provided 
more inspiration for comedy "Oh no, anything but that boring elevator 
music, please anything but that torture. The staff soon kicked us out 
but we stood out the fron handing out flyers and lollies and condoms.
Many 'customers' were smiling, in fact, everyone who came out of the
centrelink came out smiling.

Look forward to more of the same soon. I'll let you all know. The video
night at the peace office proved an excellent recruiting ground for this
action so thanks heaps to everyone who organised that, and to everyone 
who helped support the peace office! By the way, the Peace Vigil at the 
8 hour monument looks like it may fold soon due to Jim from the 
socialist party {he almost went AWOL, in fact he has gone AWOL from his 
party who don't support the Peace Vigil, he just hasn't renounced his 
socialist party, trotskyist, leninist ways yet but who cares? actions 
speak louder than ideologies I say.} going to England to try and start a 
peace vigil there, may mother earth take care of him. So I guess Leigh 
Hubbard won't have to look down on those messy tents for too much 
longer. Everyone should know he called us 'silly' to the Herald Sun when 
we were at the state library for not negotiating with the library and 
not moving to the 8 hour monument.

Anyway, here's hoping activists can get their shit together, stop 
fighting each other anbuild on the fun, inclusive, positive supportive 
movements, networks, actions that we already have going. so we can try 
to save humanity, the earth and all the species on it.

Yours in solidarity,

Caspar Cumming

Victorian Tafe Students and Apprentices Network

Office: 2nd Floor, New Building, Trades Hall {rear}
54 Victoria St, Carlton South, 3053.
Postal Address: Box 49, Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton South, 3053
Ph: {03} 96396442 Fax: {03} 96396448
Mobile: 0401839340




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