

Inside S11

What is S11 and why is it trying to disrupt the World Economic Forum in 
Melbourne ?

This week Insight gets exclusive access into the inner workings of the lose 
knit coalition of radical groups opposing the World Economic Forum.

S11 stands for September the 11th day the Forum begins. S11 is made up of a 
polyglot of groups - from socialists, Trotskyists and anarchists to 
environmental organisations, some trade unions, feminist collectives and 
churches. Their objectives are equally diverse but opposition to many of 
the consequences of globalisation is a common cause.

Some fear opposition to the Forum could mirror the destruction wrought at 
the site of the World Trade Organisation meeting in Seattle last November 
and the IMF meeting in Washington in April.

That`s `Inside S11", this Thursday (September 7) on Insight (8.30 pm).

transcript will be available soon after program at 


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