Recent revelations that the Howard Government used information from from 
intercepteted communications between the MV Tampa and the MUA to help 
formulate their plans for the Tampa asylum seekers has again raised 
questions on the role of foreign military bases in Australia.

Both Pine Gap near Alice Springs and Kojarema near Geraldton in WA 
routinely intercept Australian communications for a wide variety of 
purposes. The only difference in the recent MUA-Tampa case, is that we 
found out about it.

Dr Dave Webb from Leeds University in the UK has been studying the 
activities of Pine Gap's sister base Menwith Hill in Yorkshire and is in 
Australia to talk to Australian activists about the role of bases such 
as these.

In addition to its spying role, Pine Gap is also an integral part of the 
US' Star Wars program, which even former PM Fraser has come out and 
called a bad idea which would make Australia a potential target of the 
US' enemies.

Dr Dave will be joined by Jacob Grech of the Australian Anti-Bases 
Campaign Coalition who will talk on the Australian political aspects of 
the Space Base  at Pine Gap.

The Australian Anti-Bases Camapign has called for a major national 
protest at the gates of Pine Gap this October. This action has been 
endorsed by Friends of the Earth and the National Union of Students. For 
more info on the Pine Gap protest check out




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