Dear all,

My apologies for the lack of Leftlink during the past few days.  Due to 
someone subscribing Leftlink to another email list, which subsequently went 
insane, Leftlink was bombarded with a huge number of emails, causing it to 
overload itself.  I have sorted through the emails and am posting the ones 
that ordinarily would have been posted.  You should start receiving them 

I'm looking into ways in which this sort of thing can be 
resolved.  Moderating an email list can take a long time, particularly such 
a high-traffic list as this one.  I typically receive ten times as many 
emails to moderate as I send out, and it's getting a bit much.  Please 
think carefully before submitting an email.  Leftlink's focus tends to be 
on local (ie, Australian) issues, especially protests and events that may 
be of interest to the Left community.

We now return you to your regular (?) programming...

Alister Air
Leftlink moderator


           Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Archived at

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