26 January 1999
The Editor
The Guardian Weekly

Dear Sir/Madam

The desperate task of the East Timorese to rebuild their shattered lives
and nation has only just begun.

It was, therefore, an extremely premature, callous and cruel decision by
the European Parliament  to
lift its embargo on military cooperation with Indonesian military (TNI),
the cause of so much death, suffering, destruction and grief  to East
Timorese, West Papuans and Indonesians themselves over the past 35 years.

The TNI still poses a great threat to peace and stability in the SE Asian
region today. The lifting of the embargo comes at a time when the TNI and
its militias are terrorising over 100,000 East Timorese refugees still
trapped and living in appalling conditions in West Timor.They are also
threatening local people and INTERFET in the enclave of Oe Cusse.

Indonesian military activities are contributing to the communal strife and
bloodshed in Ambon,
Flores,  Acheh and other parts of the archipelago. In addition, the
Indonesian generals are threatening to overthrow the first democratic
government has had in 40 years.

Even Richard Holbrook, the US Ambassador to the UN, has issued stern
warnings to the generals that they will face wide spread sanctions if they
move against the Abdurrahman Wahid government. [It should be recalled that
it was the US administration of the time that assisted Suharto to seize
power in 1965 at great cost of life].

The EU and all governments should be maintaining the bans against the TNI
until the Indonesian generals allow the East Timorese refugees to return
home, cease fomenting intercommunal strife for their own political purposes
and show respect for human rights and democracy.

Andrew (Andy) Alcock
Information Officer
Campaign for an Independent East Timor (South Australia) Inc
c/o Global Education Centre
first floor, Torrens House
220 Victoria Square

Phone:          61 8 83710480 (home)    Facsimile:      61 8 82236509
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