Please find below a statement of aims for the Indigenous Rights rally to be 
held at 10 am on Friday, 15th September at the Victoria Park Aboriginal 
Tent Embassy on the corner of City Rd and Broadway.  If you would like to 
add your name please email Zanny Begg on [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sydney 2000: The whole world is watching.   Justice for Indigenous 
Australia Statement of aims for September 15:

Those gathering for the assembly at 10am on September 15 at the Aboriginal 
Tent Embassy Peace Keeping Camp, Victoria Park, aim to hold a peaceful 
rally which uses the occasion of Sydney hosting the 2000 Olympics to 
highlight the struggle for justice and sovereignty for Indigenous people. 
The central demands we seek to raise are:

Treaty and Aboriginal sovereignty Overturn Mandatory Sentencing Apologise 
and compensate the Stolen Generation Fund social justice not the Olympics

We will assemble at the Tent Embassy to stop the war on Aboriginal people. 
Our aim is to draw to the world's attention to the appalling lack of human 
rights for Indigenous people in this country and ignite the struggle for 
justice. We assert our right to free speech and resist any attempts by the 
government to silence our dissent.

The right of Indigenous people to walk the land is as old as time 
immemorial. We show our commitment to the struggle for justice for 
Indigenous people and our support and solidarity with all organisations who 
are part of this struggle.

We call on all defenders of human rights to support and attend the rally at 
the Tent Embassy on September 15.

Isabelle Coe, Aboriginal Tent Embassy Peace Keeping Camp
Murrandoo Yanner, General Manager Carpentaria Land's Council
Kevin Buzzacott, Arabunna Elder, walking the Land for our ancient rights, Lake
Eyre to Sydney
Audrey Kinnear, co-Chair, National Sorry Day Committee
Sol Bellar, Chair, Aboriginal Medical Services, Redfern
Joel Bray, National Convener of Indigenous Student's Network
Kim Bullimore, Indigenous Students Network
Yaluritja  Clarrie Isaacs, Aboriginal Government of Australia, Perth
Ray Jackson, Indigenous Social Justice Association
Valery Fay-Smith, Bundjalung Elder
Dominic Kanak, Bondi Stadium Protest
Herb Simms, Secretary, La Perouse Land Council
Sam Watson, Indigenous author and film maker, Brisbane
Trevor Close, President United Githabul Tribal Nation Aboriginal Inc.
Jagama Yanner, Administrator for Carpentaria Lands Council
Corrie Hodson, Central Convener Indigenous Student Network
Kelly Jeffrey, Health Worker, Meeanjin Treatment Association, Queensland
Pastor Len Watson, Meeanjin Treatment Association, Queensland
Rosalie Barnes and Leah Watson, Manager and Resource Coordinator, Meeanjin
Treatment Association, Queensland
Bianca Hall, Indigenous Representative, Queensland University of Technology
Trudy Bray, RecOzNet2
Rod Bray, Technical support RecOzNet2
Jonathan Wearne, Land Justice and Reconcilliation, Melbourne
Emma Banyer, feminist activist
Catherine Dwyer, President Student Guild, Sydney University
Lee Rhiannon, The NSW Greens
National Union of Students, NSW Branch
Zanny Begg, Indigenous Solidarity Action
Ian Cohen, The NSW Greens
Dr Marg Perrot, Medical Practicioner
Dr Jim Green, anti-nuclear activist, Lecturer in Science and Technology
John Percy, secretary, Democratic Socialist Party
Kerryn Williams, national co-ordinator, Resistance
Lisa McDonald, Green Left Weekly
Carol Ronken, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Griffith University
Mersina Tonys-Soulos, Inner-West Greens
Max Lane, national chairperson, Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East
Vicki Sentas, Anti-Olympic Alliance
Jeremy Smith, Vice-President, University of Ballarat Branch of the National
Tertiary Eductaion Union
Kate Carr, Education Officer Sydney University SRC
Moo Baulch, Education Officer, UTS
Louise Boon-Kou, UTS Community Law and Legal Research Centre
National Union of Students, NSW Branch
Micheal Tomson, Socialist Worker
Bernard Wunsch, Chair Southern Cross University, Lismore
Naty Guerrero-Diaz, Treasurer, Victorian TAFE Student's and Apprentices
Network, Victorian University
Stefano Bertone, Turin 2006 Nolympix Committtee
Jeni de Hayr, The Australian Conservation Company
Raymond Fulcher, Melbourne University S11 collective
Sean Moysey, CPSU Section Counsellor, ACT
Anna Bridle, Gold Coast
Randa Jazairi, Sydney
Stella Koya, Sydney
Paula Howard, Emma Dedak, Rebecca Koplick and Amanda Landers, Social Planner
Families, Youth and Community Care, Queensland

To add your name email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone 0425 209 375


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