The following nine points were adopted unanimously on January 17, 2003 
by the AEU Federal Conference meeting in Adelaide.  A media release was 
also posted on the AEU website :

No War

The AEU Resolves:

1 That as an attack on Iraq will cause widespread death and destruction, 
increase insecurity and poverty in the world and threaten a wider 
conflict in the Middle East and elsewhere, including the South-East
Asian region, the AEU is opposed to war against Iraq. Attacking Iraq to
achieve "regime-change" is not only illegal but is likely to be
counter-productive and lead to the strengthening of the repressive 
apparatus of Iraqi government. Joining an attack simply because the US 
wants Australian support is inadequate justification and has led to 
tragedy in the past.

2 Recourse to war is never justified before all non-violent
solutions have been pursued. History is replete with examples of 
politicians committing other people's children to certain death, trauma 
and injury in war. The process of UN inspections and deliberations 
should not be pressured by US bullying of Security Council members into 
premature decisions. Neither should an Australian decision be pre-empted 
by a manipulated crisis created by the presence of huge US and British 
forces in the Gulf.

3 In view of US, British and Australian attempts to pre-empt UN 
processes, the Australian vessels currently enforcing the blockade on 
Iraq should be withdrawn immediately so as avoid any implication that 
Australian forces are in any way involved in a manipulated pre-emptive 
strike. A similar position should apply to Australian elements serving 
in US and British units. The blockade continues to inflict misery on 
innocent people in Iraq, and so should be lifted immediately. Further 
the bombing within the "no-fly" zones must cease.

4 The Australian parliament must have the opportunity to consult
and debate the question of any military commitment prior to any 
decision. At that time those opposed to a military commitment by 
Australia will have the opportunity to assess any facts which the 
government or any other parties bring forward and to put their views 
before the community and the parliament.

5 That Education International be advised of the views of the AEU
on the threat of war in the Middle East and be asked for its support in 
a campaign to achieve a peaceful resolution of the crisis.

6 The AEU commends those Australian political parties and individuals 
who have unequivocally opposed an attack on Iraq including the Greens 
and Democrats and many ALP figures including Carmen Lawrence and
Laurie Brereton.

7 The AEU endorses the call of the ACTU for the rights of all to work 
and live in an environment free of harassment and discrimination on the
basis of race, religion or culture and to work to increase the 
understanding of the international situation amongst its members.

8 The AEU will participate in and work to build the widest coalition of 
anti-war forces ever seen in Australian society such that the rush to 
war in Iraq by the Coalition Government will be rejected overwhelmingly 
by the Australian community and will mark the Coalition forever as unfit 
to govern Australia and lead to its removal at the next Federal election.

9 If the Howard Government commits Australia to an unjustified war,
the AEU urges the people of Australia not to support or co-operate with 
the war effort in any way.

The following 13 points were endorsed by the AEU Federal Executive and
provided to delegates at the AEU Federal Conference as background to 
making the above decision.

The Howard Government Threatens Our Security


1          It is a primary duty of government to create peace and 
security for citizens in domestic and international relations.

2          The terrorist attacks of October 12 2002 in Bali and 
September 11 2001 on the US can only be condemned and have profound 
implications for ordinary citizens to a peaceful existence in all 
countries.  Contrary to the Fukuyama prophesy of unending Western moral 
and economic dominance following the Cold War, the West faces growing 
criticism of and resistance to global inequality and exploitation which 
provides a basis for the growth of military conflict and terrorism, 
unjustifiable as it may be.

3          Australia's security interests are not best achieved by 
servile responses to US policies when Australia's relations with our 
region are the worst they have ever been and face a rising tide of 
hostility in some large neighbouring nations and severe internal crises 
in others. Australia's security is best achieved by building strong 
regional alliances through mutual development programs and independent 
defence and mutual security arrangements which are not tied to the US 
military apparatus given its current aggressive posture.

4          Instead of acting to understand and address these issues, the
Howard government has used the Bali tragedy to promote militarism and
xenophobia rather than social and international security. The Bush, 
Blair and Howard governments have reacted in a superficial and reckless 
manner to terrorism by seeking to scapegoat nations like Afghanistan, 
North Korea, Cuba and Iraq and to pursue aggressive US geo-political 
ambitions, notably the oil reserves of Iraq. In so doing they have 
created greater insecurity and the potential for increased risks to 
their own citizens.

5          The means of addressing global conflicts should lie primarily
through the agency of the United Nations and there should be an emphasis 
on achieving  peaceful resolution through a range of means including 
sanctions and the separation of warring parties through peacekeeping 
forces. These should be applied consistently to all countries where 
conflict and breaches of conventions exist, not just to those where the 
West's self interest is involved.

6          International Law and UN Conventions provide a means whereby
military action can be taken by states where and a real and present 
danger exists to their security or where their borders have been 
violated. No such danger has been demonstrated by any nation in relation 
to Iraq. The removal of weapons of mass destruction cannot be achieved 
on the basis of rich countries having them and poor countries not...a 
comprehensive multilateral disarmament plan is required under the 
auspices of the UN.

7          The Iraqi government headed by Saddam Hussein is a 
militarised authoritarian regime which has a shocking record of abuses 
of human rights including the execution of trade union leaders and 
political opponents. Despite the profound repugnance of the regime in 
Iraq to those concerned with human and labour rights, there has been no 
link even alleged with the terrorist attacks on the West and no proof 
found of the existence of a threat to other states in the Middle East or 
anywhere else, despite an intensive UN inspection regime being allowed 
to search the country.

8          Israel under the Sharon Government is guilty of persistent
defiance of UN resolutions, state-sponsored terrorism and the admitted
existence of unmonitored weapons of mass destruction. This behaviour has 
not led to any question of "regime-change" in that country from the 
Bush, Blair or Howard governments, raising questions as to the real 
motives of these governments in advocating military action against Iraq. 
  The British Government has even admitted that war against Iraq is 
required in part to secure its oil and gas  requirements.

9          Meetings have been reported between the Bush and Howard
governments to have secured commitments about the forces Australia would
commit to war on Iraq regardless of UN processes. If this is so, these
decisions are illegal in international law and fail any test of 
democratic process given that adequate time has been available to submit 
the question to parliament. The timing of war has reportedly been set on 
the basis of military exigencies and domestic US politics. Such timing 
would attempt to pre-empt the Australian parliament in order to lock the 
ALP Opposition into supporting a commitment once announced.

10        Commentators such as the Pentagon Papers' publisher Daniel
Ellsberg have suggested on the basis of military leaks that a "Gulf of
Tonkin Incident" replica is being prepared whereby it is alleged that US
troops are under attack or at risk from Iraqi missiles and WMDs to 
justify rapid unilateral action without UN mandate. Such a scenario 
could not be concocted without the military build up currently underway 
in the Gulf.

11        Any attack on Iraq will cost the lives of thousands of Iraqi
citizens including innocent children and will divert scarce resources in
both Iraq and the attacking countries from dealing with the true sources 
of terrorism and war through addressing social security and services 
such as health and education.

12        Leading military figures and veterans' organisations in 
Australia have opposed a commitment of Australian forces to Iraq 
including General Gration who headed the Gulf War contingent, 
Major-General Stretton, the Returned Services League and Vietnam 
Veteran's Associations as well as conservative political figures such as 
Malcolm Fraser.

13        The US and Britain stand condemned for hypocrisy when it is 
known that they were leading suppliers of weapons to Iraq in the 1980s 
for use against Iran. US Defence Secretary Rumsfeld, a leading Bush 
Administration hawk, personally  met Saddam Hussein in 1983 to negotiate 
loans for the purchase of US weapons including supplies of anthrax and 
bubonic plague from US chemical firms, when at that time Rumsfeld was a 
pharmaceutical company executive.

Rob Durbridge
Federal Secretary
Australian Education Union
120 Clarendon Street Southbank 3006
ph: 03 9363 1800


"I thank God there are no free schools nor printing; and I hope we shall 
not have [them] these [next] hundred years; for learning has brought
disobedience, and heresy, and sects into the world, and printing has
divulged them and libels against the best government. God keep us from
both!" The British Royal Governor of the Colony of Virginia, 1671
[Quoted by Carl Sagan in The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in 
the Dark.]

Kati Sunner

Librarian, Federation of Education Unions Information Centre
Information Systems Manager, Australian Education Union

120 Clarendon St. Southbank Victoria 3006 Australia
Telephone: +61 3 9693 1800 Fax: +61 3 9693 1805

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