[LegacyUG] need to unsubscribe

2008-02-12 Thread Barbara Gillon
Would someone kindly tell me how I unsubscribe from this list.it has been so helpful...I will be back. Barb G. Legacy User Group guidelines: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Etiquette.asp Archived messages: http://www.mail-archive.com/legacyusergroup@legacyfamilytree.com/ Online te

[LegacyUG] Printing TO- DO items

2008-02-07 Thread Barbara Gillon
I've done this a million times, and suddenly I can't remember how to do it... I want a printout of all my To Do items and I DON'T want each on a separate pageyou usually get 2 or 3 on a page...how do I find that place to set it up that way??? thanking you ahead for you help Barbara G.

[LegacyUG] need help with Temple submission

2008-01-19 Thread Barbara Gillon
I'd appreciate it so much if someone could help me off list with a Temple Submission?I am using the "submit" with the blue arrow and choosing all family members of the highlited personand all family members are qualified...but the program won't include most of the children that are qual

[LegacyUG] need help finding "prepared by"

2008-01-19 Thread Barbara Gillon
First, I'm having trouble finding the correct address for this mailing listis this the right one??? there seem to be several? I need to change my address in my data and can't remember how to get to the "Prepared by".I can't find it in the "help" B. Gillon Legacy User Group