The following has worked for me in the Ancestor Book Report.  On the report 
initial screen 
select the big Report Options button toward the bottom.  Then select the Format 
tab.  Along 
the left side, one of the check boxes is "Use full given name for narratives."  
Check that and 
all should be well.

Mark from Knoxville

On 23 Sep 2009 at 23:22, Ken wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am a Legacy 7 Deluxe user andwould appreciate it ifsomeonecould
> help me with the 
> following.I have searched the help area and the archive postings
> without success.
> As many of my ancestors seem to have common first names, Iwould
> likethe marriage narrative 
> touse both the first and middle namefor all individuals inthe
> Ancestor Report.
> For example lets assume I have a John Charles Smith who is married
> to Jane Emil Doe.
> At presentthe narrative in the Ancestor Report reads- John married
> Jane Emily Doe
> I would like it to read- John Charles married Jane Emily Doe
> Thank you.
> Ken

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