To Kathy Jones and any interested, you should be able to play around
with this URL to customize your search.  I am not a user of the site,
so am not familiar with all that is available there.  I found a search
form with four fields - first, last, birth year, death year, and a
couple of check boxes for doing variants.  I can see all those options
in the URL below.  You can paste this into a browser, and it seems to
work.  This should be all you'd need to make Legacy do what you want
it to, right?

Some technical speak for any interested...
I used FireBug, a FireFox plugin, to see what was being POSTed to the url.  HTTP requests
can either be done via POST or GET, and the FindMyPast is using POST.
This keeps the parameters from appearing in the URL.  I copied the
parameters out of the FireBug window and pasted them on the URL
(making sure to include the '?' for proper syntax), which then issues
the same command as a GET.  This could have failed if their servers
prevented the use of GETs, which is possible, but rare.  Anyway, this
idea should apply to most any site using POST.  I'm surprised so many
use GET actually, form a coding point of view, POSTs are cleaner.

Good Luck

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