I recently upgraded my wife's laptop from windows 7 to
windows 10.  This computer has Legacy installed.
I restored a backup from my laptop (Windows 8.1 and Legacy  Everything worked fine except in the media
area.  Some of the media are missing even though they are in
the proper file location.  That tells me there must be a
filename problem.  An inspection of the missing file names
did not reveal a problem until I went back to the my laptop
and I could see a difference in the length of the "-" used
in some of the file names.  Some were ascii character 45 and
some were ascii 150.  Changing between 45 and 150 on the
windows 8.1 computer did not matter to Legacy.  It still
found the media.
On the windows 10 computer, I changed a missing file name
from ascii 45 to ascii 150 and that media file no longer
showed as missing.
This indicates that Legacy operating under windows 10
interprets the dash and the hyphen differently than Legacy
under other windows OS.
My questions are:
1.  Is the above analysis correct?
2.  How is the best way to fix this problem?
It appears to me that the only way to correct this is to
bite the bullet and change the missing file names one at a
time in the windows 8.1  computer so this problem will not
appear in subsequent restorations.


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