Some obscure printing problems with Legacy may reflect a design quirk.  It 
appears that, when it loads, Legacy looks at whatever is the default printer 
and adopts what it finds as its printing environment.  Preview of a report then 
shows how it will appear - with those settings and via that printer.  That's 
fine if there is only one printer, or the default one is to be used.  If not, 
changing settings prior to printing may or may not have effect, depending upon 
whether particular Legacy settings persist, and combination results may be 
bizarre.  The simple cure is to set the wanted printer to be default and then 
restart Legacy.

Background and example:  We run Legacy 6 on a Vista laptop which was once USB 
connected to a portable printer for making postcards.  For obvious reasons, 
that was never used with Legacy, and it has been disconnected for a couple of 
years.  Recently, a driver for our network printer was installed.  Needing to 
print some Legacy Descendant reports, I previewed and found output on the 
screen postcard size and aspect ratio.  No Legacy settings or options appeared 
to fix that, though portrait/landscape changed orientation.  I then formatted a 
test page with a framing line and used the print dialog to select the printer, 
page orientation and size.  That printed a neatly framed, postcard sized text 
block, landscape orientated, in the top left corner of a letter size, portrait 
orientated sheet.

Designating the network printer as default and restarting Legacy removed the 
problem.  It's my impression that most programs are written such that the 
operating system printer dialog is used to define printer and printing 
parameters, with preview available from that.  If Legacy needs to do otherwise, 
a note in the appropriate Help file would be useful.


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