On 05/11/2010 16:28, sarge1...@cox.net wrote:
> I have tried a few source additions using the 'Source Writer', but I
> have not been able to find a place on it to add a File ID (or what I
> call a detail source number that I use) so that it appears adjacent
> to the Event when viewing the list of events.  The basic allows me to
> enter a detail number and it appears as desired, so where am I going
> wrong?

I am somewhat confused (not an unusual state of affairs!)

I thought at first, when you said "when viewing the list of events" that
you were talking about an Event Report, but when I looked at that I saw
it doesn't include Sources.  So then I thought you must mean a Source
Report with the options checked to "include specific events" and
"include citation detail" but one of the Options for a Source Report is
to include the Source Detail File ID.

So can you explain more precisely where your problem lies, please.
(Unless I'm being really dense and someone else knows exactly what you
mean and can give you a straight answer!)

Jenny M Benson

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