To all of our awesome Legacy users,

We would like to give thanks to all of you for making the release of Legacy
8 the most successful software release we've ever had - way more successful
than we ever anticipated! It's been a week since the big
and Legacy is still flying off the virtual shelves. Thank you!

Next, thank you for your patience with us as we work to fulfil your orders,
respond to your emails, and return your voice mails. Not many of the 14 of
us here have slept much this past week, but we are now mostly caught up.
Here's where we are:

   - All free upgrade order emails have been sent. If you qualified for the
   free upgrade (purchased Legacy 7 from May 8, 2013 forward), and you have
   not yet received the email with the installation/unlock instructions, the
   first place to check is in your email program's spam/junk folder. The
   majority of the customers we have communicated with eventually found the
   email there. If you have not yet done it, please add to your email program's approved
   - We are caught up with the voice mails you have left us. Thank you for
   your patience as we have worked down the list to call everyone back.
   - New orders are now back to our usual same/next day processing.
   - Make sure that when you place your order, that you double-check your
   email address. In numerous cases, the reason the customer has not received
   the email from us is because the email address that was used to place the
   order had a typo.
   - Our final area to get caught up on is the shippable products. If you
   ordered Legacy to be shipped to you, it will begin shipping this weekend.
   However, since we have emailed the download/unlock instructions to you, you
   can begin using Legacy even before the physical product arrives. You won't
   need to use the CD to install it again.

If for some reason you feel that you haven't yet received a response from
us, please send an email to or give us
a call at 1-800-753-3453 or 1-623-444-8918 (outside the USA). If we don't
answer, please leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as

*Free update*

Some of you have found a couple of "buglets" and have kindly reported them
to us. We have corrected most of these and have issued a new update to
Legacy 8. This update is free to those who have already installed
Legacy 8. Click
the details and installation instructions.

*Updated Training CDs*

One of the frequently asked questions is about the video training CDs. Yes!
volume 1 (5 CDs) has been updated for Legacy 8.Click
more information or to purchase Volume 1. Volume 2 has not yet been updated
for Legacy 8. I hope to revise these four videos in the next month or two.

*Legacy Family Tree - Unlocked!*

The most popular book we've ever sold (and it might just be the most
popular genealogy book ever!) is the new *Legacy Family Tree - Unlocked!* The
entire book is based on Legacy 8 and helps you apply your genealogy
research to Legacy. Click
more information or to purchase. The PDF edition comes free when you
purchased the printed book.

*Register for the What's New in Legacy 8? webinar*

Now that you've had a chance to kick Legacy 8's virtual tires, please join
us for a free webinar - our first of 2014 - on Friday, January 3. You'll
get a tour of all of Legacy 8's new features as well as insider's tips and
tricks. Click here to

Thanks again everyone!

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