On 11 December 2015 at 21:04, Andrew Harvey <andrew.harv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Talking with their legal people it was, or at least as far as I
> understood them, their view that the the ODbL style of attribution
> (where downstream don't need to provide attribution for any
> incorporated or derived datasets) is fine within the bounds of the CC
> BY 3.0 AU license already. They mentioned that the CC license has a
> concept of attribution reasonable or appropriate for the medium which
> covered this use case. They also mentioned that when their CC BY 3.0
> AU data is incorporated into a new work (which is more than just a
> trivial transformation) then there is no need for downstream
> attribution within the license.
> In a way they are merely letting us know of their interpretation of
> the license that it's terms already meet our requirements.

If their legal people are genuinely happy for the ODbL level of
attribution (particularly with respect to produced works), then it
would make everyone's life much easier if they were able to dual
licence the data under the ODbL in addition to CC-By. Then it's
completely clear to everyone that use under the ODbL is acceptable,
and there wouldn't be any need for lawyery discussions, special
permissions, or user hesitation for particular uses. I guess there may
be political and/or administrative barriers to prevent this, but it
might be worth asking them if you haven't done so already.

As far as use in OSM following the current correspondence goes, I
think the key question is, are they aware that other people could then
use the OSM data, and that with those uses they may only get indirect
attribution -- i.e. the user links back to OSM, which would in turn
link back to them -- even in cases where the data used was dominated
by their data? It would therefore probably be safer if you could get
an explicit statement that they're happy for the data to be used in
OSM, rather than just that they're happy for the attribution that OSM
provides for its own direct use.


Robert Whittaker

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