On 3-12-2010 17:23, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:

Then you must have the same objection to tracing from Yahoo's imagery.
Unlike Bing, there is no specific agreement between Yahoo and OSM.
Yahoo only agreed that the act of tracing from the satellite imagery
that they host and putting the traced data under any license (and not
specifically CC-BY-SA 2.0) does not violate Yahoo Maps' terms of
service, which contains similar language to Bing's terms of use. Yet
here we are tracing from Yahoo for years already.

A few months ago, on a local list, I argued that we could already start tracing from Bing, as it was comparable to Yahoo and there were no specific ToU restrictions as with Google. IANAL and so, so it never got anywhere. It's brilliant that we now officially have the permission to do so. :)


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