On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Robert Kaiser <ka...@kairo.at> wrote:
> Olaf Schmidt-Wischhöfer schrieb:
>> The first problem is that the right to vote depends upon being allowed to
>> contribute.
> It it defined anywhere what "contribute" means?

>From the contributor terms v1.2.4

> An "active contributor" is defined as:
>    a natural person (whether using a single or multiple accounts) who has 
> edited the Project in any three calendar months from the last 12 months (i.e. 
> there is a demonstrated interest over time); and has maintained a valid email 
> address in their registration profile and responds to a request to vote 
> within 3 weeks.

I've always equated "edited the project" with "submitted a changeset".
 Submitting a changeset is something the OSM values and is relatively
easy bar to reach.  I would also certainly consider some exceptions.

1) Spammers, once in a while, submit diary entries full of spam links.
2) Some accounts have submitted changeset of bad data in the form of
either vandalism, or map spam.
3) Hypothetically, a contributor could upload gpx tracks and never edit.

I suggest that 1) and 2) are not active contributors.  I think 3)
could be valuable, but is not necessarily a contributor.  Does anybody
know if there are any accounts / users in category 3?


p.s. I've changed the subject: for this sub-thread.

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