I have three older but still relatively capable Mac Pros that are taking up
space and I no longer have a use for them. Due to the size and weight these
are only for local pickup in Houston, TX, unless you want to pay for
shipping (which would likely be at least $50 or more per computer, probably
not cost effective).

Prices are flexible, especially if you want to buy all three, and I might
also consider a trade so feel free to make any offers.

These are just the computers by themselves, no cables, accessories, or
software are included. Take $10 off each listed price if you don’t need a
hard drive.

Mac Pro 3,1, 2.8ghz 8 core with 32GB of RAM, Radeon 2600 XT, 500GB hard
drive, two SuperDrives. It works fine, but it was damaged in shipping at
one point so it has bent feet and dents, cosmetically it isn’t pretty. It
also used to intermittently have a weird issue where every once in a while
it didn’t want to boot so I’d have to unplug it and let it sit for a bit,
after which everything would go back to normal. I assume that it probably
had something to do with the power supply but I got into the habit of
unplugging the computer whenever I shut it down and I haven’t had the
problem again in a couple years, so it seems to still be perfectly usable
as-is. Asking $160 or best offer

Mac Pro 1,1 model upgraded to 2,1 firmware with 2.66ghz quad core
processors for 8 total cores, 16GB of RAM, 500GB hard drive, GeForce 7300
GT, two SuperDrives. Fair cosmetic condition with some scuffs/scratches but
no dents, only one small ding in the front grille. I also still have the
stock processor chips if you want them. Asking $140 or best offer

Mac Pro 1,1, stock 2.66ghz quad core configuration, 10GB of RAM, GeForce
7300 GT, 500GB hard drive, single SuperDrive. Fair cosmetic condition with
some scuffs and scratches and slight yellowing to the white plastics on the
back but no dents or dings. It only has one hard drive tray. Asking $100 or
best offer

Or take all three Mac Pros as a lot for $350 ($320 without hard drives) or
best offer. If you buy the whole lot I’ll throw in some extra RAM (I think
it’s 8 sticks, some might be iffy but most work, although these are just
spares since all the computers have full RAM slots), a Radeon HD 5450
(which is a basic 1GB PC graphics card that can be made to work with at
least a few versions of OS X), and another GeForce 7300 GT that doesn’t
appear to be working but might possibly be fixable or good for parts. I
also have a few monitors and keyboards/mice (non-Apple) that I can include
for extra cost, let me know if you want more details and prices.

For local pickup we can meet in a public parking lot somewhere, with social
distancing and masks. Pictures and more detailed descriptions of everything
are available, if you have any questions or want to make an offer please
let me know.

Steven Fowler
Houston, TX 77083

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