I've got the following items available for free.  Pick up only, I will not 
ship.  Location is Chelmsford, MA 01824.  Depending on your location, I will 
consider meeting halfway for "delivery".  Pictures available on request.

1x Apple Multiple Sync 14 Display monitor

1x PowerMac 6100/60 with:
  * case in decent condition

  * 1GB Seagate disk w/ MacOS 7.5.5 (disk seems to be dying, though)
  * 140 MB RAM
  * NEC 3x CD-ROM w/ CD cartridges
1x PowerMac 6100/60 with:
  * case is functional but shows lots of wear.  Both rear tabs broke off, but I 
still have them if you want to try superglue or epoxy to repair.

  * 160 MB disk w/ MacOS 8.0
  * 24 MB RAM
  * AppleCD 300 Plus drive

Both systems boot but do not come w/ PRAM batteries.  I tested using a battery 
from a spare machine.

2x face plates for the above to cover the case opening should you choose to 
remove the CD drives
2x keyboards and mice for the above
2x HDI45-to-DB15 video adapters for the above
2x Farallon EtherWave AAUI transceivers for the above

Anything not claimed by 9/13/2014 will go to Best Buy for recycling.  Wanted to 
offer it here first.



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