FS: AppleTV 160GB Newish w/Remote & Power Cable - $150 Shipped OBO

2010-08-04 Thread Brian Downer
y old Apple stuff. $150 should be a good price since you can get a referb from Apple for $189. -Brian Downer Atwater, CA 95301 -- You received this message because you are a member of the LEM Swap group. To post to this group, send email to lemswap@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe, send an ema

WTB: MacIP Bridging Software (ie. Apple Internet Router/AppleShare IP 5.0 Server)

2009-06-28 Thread Brian Downer
's Internet Gateway but I can't get ipnetrouter to work and I'd prefer and Apple solution. I'm mentioning this just incase someone knows of another software that will do the job of bridging TCP/IP to MacIP. Brian Downer 14