FREE: 6 LaCie 75 GB External FW HDs - Pickup in Berkeley, CA

2014-08-05 Thread David Brostoff
though.) Here are the specs: <>. Local pickup only. If interested, please email me to arrange pickup. David Brostoff Berkeley, CA 94704 -- You received this message because you are a member of the LEM Swap gro

WTB: MCE portable-drive carrying cases

2014-07-06 Thread David Brostoff
. Here is a photo of one without the insert: <> Anyone have any of these they would like to sell? Thank you, David Brostoff Berkeley, CA 94704 -- You received this message because you are a member of the LEM Swap group. To post to this

FREE: PowerBook G3 Wallstreet II PDQ - Pickup in Berkeley, CA

2014-06-06 Thread David Brostoff
expansion-bay drive --Newer Technology FireWire 2 Go IEEE1394 CardBus card (never used) --Belkin USB Busport module (never used) Local pickup only. If interested, please email me to arrange pickup. David Brostoff Berkeley, CA 94704 -- You received this message because you are a member