I offered my packed up collection 3 years ago on this list but owing to a bad auto accident was not able to deliver to the guy in Bristol, VA so if you are still waiting sorry! I've lost your contact info. I have to clean out my storage locker to finish moving. Hate to let it go but gotta move on. DISCALIMERS: AS is WHERE is, exact contents unknown and in unknown condition.
Pickup in the Poconos of Eastern Pennsylvania Near the Pocono NASCAR track(18210) off Interstate 80 at Hwy 115. IF you are a Mac Geek/ historical Mac collector you'll likely be happy with contents and certainly the "price". Must take all.-- about 8(?) banana boxes plus a few larger boxes. Occupying a 4ftx3ft x2ft stack. I don't remember for sure what is in the lot but Apple Mac stuff running back to 1982 up to 90?. There were a couple 512k including my upgraded 128k original. LC*** Desktops? Perhaps an Imagewriter , tractor feed, square mouse, memory, cables, keyboards, Apple Modems?. If it was Apple Mac hardware or accessories II probably had it at one time or another. I have on the order of 200 diskettes of 1980 vintage titles.( no list) stored elsewhere. This is a bonna fide free offer for the ABOVE lot-- but if you have a specific item you want then for a nominal fee/shipping/gas etc I'll consider selling it to you prior to awarding it to a new owner. I'll throw in a G-3 or 2 and several ZIF CPUS between 300-450. Provided I can find them. I've some very rare Mac laptops and exotic cards ( e.g Rocket, Orange PC) I'll sell and ship for a nominal fee packed separately provided I can find them. Not a part of the lot above at this time. Sorry no Lisa's. Please email your interests include a phone # if you've questions. I can't unpack it all to confirm unless you are paying me to. Sorry, I don't think I can ship the whole lot--to much going on. Eman aka Elton Jones Albrightsville, PA 18210 -- You received this message because you are a member of the LEM Swap group. To post to this group, send email to lemswap@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe, send an email *from your subscribed address* to lemswap+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com LEM-Swap is not a discussion list; it is for buying & selling Mac stuff. Reply directly to the person who posted, never to the list. Software piracy is illegal and not allowed on LEM Swap. Except for freeware and software originally provided with computers, no software is to be left on hard drives unless the original installer (not a burned copy) is included, along with any required registration number, password, etc. Shipments valued at US$100 or more should be insured, and shipments valued at US$25 or more should be shipped so they can be tracked. See the list FAQ http://lowendmac.com/lists/swap.html for guidelines on postings, feedback, and dispute resolution. Seller feedback at http://groups.google.com/group/swap-feedback To unsubscribe from this group, send email to lemswap+unsubscribegooglegroups.com or reply to this email with the words "REMOVE ME" as the subject.