FS DVI-DVI cables 6ft

2018-05-19 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
Samsung "AXESSION" brand, 6ft long, in original plastic packaging (the kind you have to cut with sharp scissors or a pocket knife to get open). $6 each, plus shipping - buy both, pay only $6 for shipping (i.e. $18 for 2, includes shipping) Patrick Giagnocavo Longmont, CO 80501 cell 97

Apple Microphone NIB and Zip/Jaz drives

2018-04-05 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
still pay shipping on everything. Cheers Patrick Giagnocavo Denver Colorado 80120 cell 970 779 5020 -- You received this message because you are a member of the LEM Swap group. To post to this group, send email to lemswap@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe, send an email *from your subscribed

WTB your old RAM, any kind, PC/Mac, 30ping, 72pin, etc.

2011-12-12 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
ially Patrick Giagnocavo 239 N Plum #3 Mount Joy, PA 17552 cell 717-201-3366 -- You received this message because you are a member of the LEM Swap group. To post to this group, send email to lemswap@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe, send an email *from your subscribed address* to lemswap+uns

WTB: your old ugly RAM, Mac or PC

2011-08-19 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
17552), paid via PayPal or other method we agree upon. For reference, a medium size flat rate box from USPS will hold about 10lbs of RAM. I had an excellent transaction with someone else on this list, so I thought I would offer this to anyone else... Cordially Patrick Giagnocavo 239 N Plum #3 Moun

Adobe Illustrator 10 Upgrade for Mac $25 shipped

2010-03-06 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
shipping anywhere in the USA. (I am xemacs5 on ebay if you want to check my feedback.) Patrick Giagnocavo Mount Joy, PA 17552 -- You received this message because you are a member of the LEM Swap group. To post to this group, send email to lemswap@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe, send an email

AlphaSmart 3000 (Mac-compatible pseudo-laptop) $25 including shipping

2009-10-07 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
both. Payment via PayPal or USPS money order. Patrick Giagnocavo Mount Joy, PA 17552 (near Lancaster, PA) --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are a member of the LEM Swap group. To post to this group, send email to lemswap@googlegroups.com

FS Sonnet Tech Aria Extreme for PowerBook G3 and G4

2009-10-03 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
USPS money order . Patrick Giagnocavo Mount Joy, PA 17552 (near Lancaster, PA) --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are a member of the LEM Swap group. To post to this group, send email to lemswap@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe, send an

OmniPagePro v8.0 new in box, $10 shipped

2009-09-26 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
Compatible with MacOS9, Accelerated for PowerMacintosh,etc. Still in shrinkwrap, $10 shipped to anywhere in the Lower 48, with delivery confirmation. I will accept PayPal, USPS money order, or personal check. Patrick Giagnocavo Mount Joy, PA 17552 (near Lancaster, PA

PowerBook G3 (Lombard) FS

2009-09-23 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
n for its age, power supply is nice and not frayed. $90 shipped anywhere in the Lower 48. PayPal, USPS money order, personal checks all accepted. Patrick Giagnocavo Mount Joy, PA 17552 (near Lancaster,PA) --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because yo

Adobe Streamline 4.0 upgrade version NIB, $8 shipped

2009-09-23 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
Adobe Streamline v4.0 upgrade edition. New In Box, still in shrink wrap. $8 including shipping anywhere in the Lower 48. PayPal, USPS money order, or personal check all OK. Patrick Giagnocavo Mount Joy, PA 17552 (near Lancaster, PA) --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You

FS 3x 68Pin, 9GB SCSI drives, 7200rpm

2009-06-30 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
specs: http://www.etech4sale.com/1648/quantum-atlas-3.5-series-9.1gb.html (Maxtor bought Quantum a few years ago, which is why it mentions Maxtor) $30 via PayPal, personal check or USPS money order, including shipping anywhere in the Lower 48 My eBay ID is xemacs5 Patrick Giagnocavo Mount Jo

FS: 3x 68 pin 9GB drives, Quantum Atlas V

2009-06-28 Thread Patrick Giagnocavo
3 of Quantum's "server" drives, 68 pin, U160 SCSI (LVD/SE) server pulls, some are Dell-labeled (spit). 7200rpm, 4.2ms seek time All 3 for $20 shipped anywhere in the Lower 48. PayPal, check, money order all OK. My eBay id is "xemacs5" . Patrick Giagno