I'm looking for an external SCSI magneto-optical drive that can read
230 MB Mac-format 3.5" discs, with drivers that work on a beige G3
running OS 8.6 or 9.x.  I'm willing to buy a drive outright if
necessary (ideally no more than $30-40).

However, I really only have two discs that I need to copy, so I'd love
to work out a trade or borrowing arrangement.  I have the following
items that I would happily swap or give away in exchange:

- Asante FriendlyNet adapter (haven't used it in ten years, but I
assume it works)
- Viewsonic 19" CRT monitor (E790) (local pickup only)

Otherwise, I'll just buy the drive and then, no doubt, offer it back
to the list shortly thereafter!

I'm in Rocky Point, NY (zip 11778).

Phil Salathe

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