WTB: Powerbook G4 Titanium/Aluminum

2009-08-11 Thread grafton122
I would like to buy a Powerbook G4, I want it to work, and My maximum price is $200 with shipping, I also want the original box. If you have pictures of it, go ahead and just send them to me. Thanks! Justin Farmer Shipping to 60107 (Streamwood, IL) --~--~-~--~~~---~--

Re: WTB iMac G4 Any Size Screen any Processor

2009-08-03 Thread grafton122
I saw one of these going for $85 a few days ago, if you have one that works and are willing to sell for a maximum of $100. Talk to me. On Aug 2, 10:23 pm, grafton122 wrote: > I am dying to have an iMac G4. I love how they look, I want everything > to work, and keyboard, mouse, and sp

WTB iMac G4 Any Size Screen any Processor

2009-08-03 Thread grafton122
I am dying to have an iMac G4. I love how they look, I want everything to work, and keyboard, mouse, and speakers. If you have the original box, even better! Justin Farmer Streamwood IL, 60107 --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscri