deal, or even just loan me the
use of a laptop for the rest of the year, please contact me.
Peace, Love, and Joy,
SaJe Goodson
Norfolk, NE 68701
ebay: stonesingersales (460/100%)
*Anyone interested in a 2006 MBP 15" (MA464II/a) for parts or repair, also
contact me. The righ
, Love, and Joy,
SaJe Goodson
Norfolk, NE 68701
ebay: stonesingersales (431/100%)
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work, but I haven't tried the optical drive because the entry is
slightly dented down.)
Peace, Love, and Joy,
SaJe Goodson
Norfolk, NE 68701
ebay: stonesingersales (394/100%)
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Anybody willing to part with their 2nd gen ipod touch 8gb for $180
Peace, Love, and Joy,
SaJe Goodson
Norfolk, NE 68701
ebay: stonesingersales (319/100%)
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I need an AC adapter for a Pismo, yoyo preferred. Payment via
PayPal, $25 shipped.
Peace, Love, and Joy,
SaJe Goodson
Norfolk NE 68701
ebay: samanthajg (285/100%)
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