I recently sold my trusty (formerly Core Solo) Mac Mini, but I came across 
a school selling their lab full of Core Solo Mac Minis and I couldn't 
resist getting my hands on some for Christmas presents for friends and 
relatives. However, they would only sell them in lots of 10 Mac Minis, and 
I only needed 4, so I thought I'd offer the remaining 6 here before 
auctioning elsewhere. I also bought a lot of 7 Core 2 Duo CPUs (T7200) to 
upgrade my 4 and I have 3 left over.

If you want a super cheap Intel Mac Mini you can have one of the Core Solo 
ones for $175 + shipping (probably about $12). If you want me to go ahead 
and upgrade one to a 2.0GHz Core2 (T7200) you can have it for $210 + 
shipping. Or, if you want the thrill/experience of upgrading it yourself, I 
can ship a Core Solo Mac Mini along with a Core 2 processor for $200 + 
shipping and you can upgrade it yourself :). Specs on all 6 Minis are the 

Core Solo 1.5GHz (or Core2 Duo 2.0GHz)
DVD/CD-RW Combo drive
Airport Extreme
Bluetooth 2.0
Firewire 400
4 USB ports

Includes power supply and DVI-to-VGA adapter.

These are the exact same model as my former Mac Mini which I upgraded and 
used for years as a backup server/media center. If you want more details 
about the myriad uses for this Mac Mini I'd be happy to describe my setup 
for you in more detail. I'm sorely tempted to keep one or more of them for 
various projects, please help me resist! :)

Perfect for a friend or relative who is considering switching to Mac but 
doesn't want to lay out the cash for a new one (that's why I'm giving 4 of 
them to various people). These were running 10.5 Leopard + a number of 
other apps but will come zeroed per list rules. All of them passed the 
Apple Service Diagnostic. Please let me know if you have questions or would 
like a picture.

Stephen Faucette
Butler, PA 16001

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