Hello All,

We were hit hard by Irene and Lee. I need to get rid of all my items
to make room for lost space. Below is a link to the various items I'm
getting rid of. The prices below are just suggestions, I'm willing to
get rid of many items for shipping plus a few dollars. Please contact
me before I'm forced to throw them to the curb. -Robert Golding,
Trenton NJ 08619


Classic PowerBooks:
PowerMac 520c - working motherboard, modem, screen, keyboard,
trackpad, 12MB RAM. Floppy removed, hard disk questionable but
currently booting. no power supply included. $5 + $16 shipping

PowerBook 190 - working, boots fine, 36MB RAM and 500MB hard drive,
includes power adapter. Asking $15 + $16 shipping

Each $5 + $6 Shipping
1 Apple Color StyleWriter 4100/4500 Black Ink Cartridge with Case
Connectix Color QuickCam (ADB) with Manual and Software
2 Apple CD Caddy of late 80's CDROMs (still sealed)

2 Copies of HyperStudio 3.1 for Mac OS 7+: Complete in the boxes with
manuals and CDs
$5 each $10 shipping (heavy manuals)

CD Software Set 1: $20 shipped
PowerMac 7300, 8600, 9600 Restore CD 1997 with System 7.5.5
PrintMaster Gold 4
Avid Cinema v1.2 on CDROM for PowerMac G3
Mac LC575 System Software Install CD (have 2)
NetBoot v10.1.2 on CDROM
Macintosh Manager 2 v10.1 on CDROM
Quicken Deluxe 98 on CD
Print Artist for Mac on CD with Manual (System 7+)

CD Software Set 2 : $20 shipped
Compact Discs in Folio: Movies & Videos, Descent, Alice to Ocean, Now
Touchbase & DateBook Pro , Adobe PhotoDeluxe, Time Almanac, Apple
Chronicle, MDK, Our Times,

Floppy Software: $20 shipped
Aldus SuperPaint on 3 floppies
1 Box of 10 Double Sided 800K Disks - sealed
1 Box of 10 High Density Disks - sealed
10 lose High Density Disks
HyperCard v1 on Floppies: HyperCard & Stacks, Help, Ideas
QuickTime v1.0 on Floppy (2)
Macintosh Your Apple Tour of the Mac SE on floppy
Macintosh Basics on floppy
Color StyleWriter 400 Series Minimal Software and AppleTalk Update on
Excel v2.2 on floppies (4)
More After Dark on Floppy with Guide (requires After Dark)

Guides: $20 shipped
Mac LC II Getting Started Guide + System Disks (floppy system 7.1) in
Color StyleWriter 2500 Manual
Color StyleWriter 4500 Manual
Power Macintosh 7200 Users Guide + Technical Information Guide
Setting Up Your Power Macintosh G3 all-in-one
Mac OS 8.1 Emergency Handbook
AppleCD 300i Plus Users Guide
ClarisWorks for Kids Getting Started + Quick Reference
Claris FileMaker Pro Getting started Guide (1992)

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