On 2/2/15 6:09 AM, lemswap@googlegroups.com wrote:
lemswap@googlegroups.com <%0A%20%20https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email#%21forum/lemswap/topics%0A> Google Groups <https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email/#%21overview> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email/#%21overview>

Topic digest
View all topics <%0A%20%20https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email#%21forum/lemswap/topics%0A>

  * For Sale: Adaptec Ultra2-SCSI LVD/SE PCI Card <#group_thread_0> -
    1 Update
  * For Sale: PowerMac G5 Spare Parts <#group_thread_1> - 1 Update
  * For Sale: Various Apple Spare Parts <#group_thread_2> - 1 Update
  * FS: New 16GB/wi-fi iPad mini 2 (Retina) $220 with insured shipping
    included <#group_thread_3> - 1 Update

For Sale: Adaptec Ultra2-SCSI LVD/SE PCI Card <http://groups.google.com/group/lemswap/t/ccb165a6f30160ad?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
Mike Lias <mikel...@me.com>: Feb 01 02:26PM -0800

I have an Adaptec Ultra2-SCSI LVD/SE PCI card with cable pulled from a PowerMac G3 Tower...

Model #: AHA-2940U2B

Asking $20 (OBO) Shipped

Mike Lias
Huntington Park, CA 90255

Back to top <#digest_top>
For Sale: PowerMac G5 Spare Parts <http://groups.google.com/group/lemswap/t/35532be0bbf8c353?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
Mike Lias <mikel...@me.com>: Feb 01 02:25PM -0800

I have the following leftover parts from a PowerMac G5 2.7 Dual (serial #: G8521HERRU4).....

(1) Power Supply Unit (600W) (part #: 614-0306) - $40
- Has stains on top, bottom and side cause of the LCS

(1) Front Panel I/O Board w/shield and screws (part #: 630-4805) - $15

(1) Set of fans including speaker - $20

(1) Plastic Case Shield that goes inside - $25

(1) Side Access Panel/Door - $30

All Prices are OBO - or if you want the whole collection, let me know...

Pictures available upon request

Mike Lias
Huntington Park, CA 90255

Back to top <#digest_top>
For Sale: Various Apple Spare Parts <http://groups.google.com/group/lemswap/t/8c8a80aa149fbb6f?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
Mike Lias <mikel...@me.com>: Feb 01 02:24PM -0800

I have some spare parts that I don't need... Pulled from working computers...

(1) Apple Personal Modem with AC Adapter (A9M0304) - $25
(1) Apple PowerBook G3 M7572 (Pismo) Battery Connector Board (820-1132-A) - $15
(1) Apple PowerBook G3 M7572 (Pismo) Modem Board (U01M029.01) - $15
(1) Apple PowerBook G3 M7572 (Pismo) Modem Board (U01M029.02) - $15
(1) Apple PowerBook G3 M7572 (Pismo) DC-IN / Sound Card (820-1076-A) - $25
(2) Apple ATI Rage 128 PCI Card (109-57400-00) - $25/each
(1) Apple ATI Rage 128 Pro AGP Video Card (109-72700-02) - $25
(1) Apple Mac G4 Nvidia 32MB AGP Video Card (VZ134066ML35A - 600-9090) - $30
(1) Apple PowerMac G3 400mhz LogicBoard with processor (820-1049-A) - $25
(1) Apple PowerMac G3 266mhz LogicBoard with processor (820-0991-B) - $25
(1) Apple PowerMac G3 Firewire Module (600-6938-A) - $20
(1) Apple PowerMac G3 Power Board (630-2878-A) - $20
(1) Mitsubishi MF355F-2592MA 1.44MB 3.5" Floppy Drive - $20
(1) Panasonic JU-268A016C 1.44MB 3.5" Floppy Drive - $20
(1) Iomega Z100ATAPI 100MB Zip Drive - $20
(1) Apple CD-ROM Drive CR-585-B (678-0136) - $20
(1) Lite-On CD-RW Drive 52x32x52x (LTR-52327S) - $20
(1) 256MB Stick of PC-100 SDRAM (Pulled from PowerBook G3/Pismo) - $10

All prices listed are OBO + Shipping...

Mike Lias
Huntington Park, CA 90255

Back to top <#digest_top>
FS: New 16GB/wi-fi iPad mini 2 (Retina) $220 with insured shipping included <http://groups.google.com/group/lemswap/t/558c393a2f38c3f5?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
gary2400 <gfdau...@gmail.com>: Feb 01 11:36AM -0800

Greetings. I have a *new* white/silver 16GB/wi-fi iPad mini 2 (Retina)
<http://www.apple.com/ipad-mini-2/specs/>. Complete with AC-adapter,
Lightning-to-USB charging cable, box and all documentation. My son won this
in a work raffle but he doesn't need it. Priced for quick sale: Only $220
with insured shipping included to Lower 48! PayPal accepted.

Thanks for your interest.

Gary F. Daught
Johnson City, TN 37601

Back to top <#digest_top>
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Hi, still have it?
Dave Jones

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