I have a few Evoluent VerticalMouse ergonomic mice for sale. All have been
tested and appear to be in great working condition. There are two
VerticalMouse 2 left-handed models (both black), one VerticalMouse 2
right-handed model (purple) and one VerticalMouse 4 Small right-handed
model (purple). They are all USB and all optical (the VerticalMouse 4 is a
laser mouse while the other three are standard LED mice). The VerticalMouse
2 models have five buttons each while the VerticalMouse 4 has six buttons
as well as speed controls, although it appears that OS X only recognizes
four buttons by default (there may be a workaround, but I haven't
researched it). The VerticalMouse 4 still has the warranty tag attached,
but I don't know if that has any significance. The left-handed models look
practically new, the right-handed ones have some minor wear on the rubber
grip parts but nothing that would impede functionality.

How about $50 shipped in the continental USA for the VerticalMouse 4 Small
and $30 shipped for each of the VerticalMouse 2 models, or all four for
$120 shipped? I'm also open to offers or trades. I only accept PayPal. If
you have any questions or would like to see pictures, please let me know.

Steven Fowler
eBay ID Obi1kenobi1 (100% positive)
Houston, TX 77083

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