Hello Swappers!

I've got all kinds of older hard drives and ram.  Laptop to Desktop. SD-Ram 
to DDR2 and a few DDR3 sticks. All Drives Smart Tested!

Desktop Drives:
80GB Western Digital IDE HD - $15 Shipped
40GB Seagate IDE HD -$10 Shipped
40GB Maxtor Fireball HD - $10 Shipped
120GB Western Digital IDE HD - $17 Shipped

Buy both the 80 GB and the 120GB, and I'll include a 40GB for free.  I will 
sell all the drives for $40!
Dlink Wireless G Router - $15 Shipped

17" Gateway LCD Monitor - $50 Shipped, $35 local pickup. 

iMac G3 Airport Card Adapter Card - $10 shipped 

Really Nice Graphite iMac G3 DV  w/ 13GB HD, DVD-Rom, 400Mhz G3, OS9 
Paperwork and Software included!- Local Pickup around Mentor/Chardon Ohio 
Area - $35

Apple Pro Keyboard and Mouse - $30 shipped. 

Desktop Ram: (I have tons.  If I didn't list it, I may still have it.)

2x 512MB SDRAM PC100/133 for iMac and Powermac G3s, and early G4s - $17 

4x 512MB DDR(1) Desktop Ram of varying speeds - All 4 for $30 shipped, 2 
for $16, 1 for $8. 

And More!  These are just off the top of my head. Most sizes range from 256 
to 1GB.  Ask, and you shall receive! (Well, If I have it, ha!)

Laptop Ram:

Not so much in larger sizes.  I do however know I have:

2x 512Mb DDR2 - $10 Each

Some smaller SD-Ram PC-66-100 at 64-128MB - Name price that allows me to 
ship it and make a cent or two

Tyler Schimpf
Montville, Ohio

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