I have a couple of old Macs that I just want to give away to someone local. 
I don't feel like packing and shipping them.  I kind of hate to see them 
go, but they're just sitting around taking up space.

Mac Plus - my first computer that I bought refurbished 20 years ago. It has 
a 16mhz "Brainstorm" CPU in place of the stock 8mhz one, 4MB ram, keyboard, 
and mouse. I remember it had developed a problem where pixels on the right 
side of the screen would sparkle on and off randomly after it was on for 
awhile. This didn't happen during the short time I had it running recently, 
though the screen image would occasionally shrink slightly then snap back. 
System 6.0.2; I have the Brainstorm User's Guide, Brainstorm system sofware 
disk, Mac Plus Utilities disk, Mac Plus System Tools disk.

Performa 636CD - my second computer that I stopped using 10 years ago. It 
has 20MB RAM, 500MB hard drive, Performa Plus Display, keyboard, mouse. 
Runs fine. System 7.5.1  I have the user's manual and the sofware CDs that 
came with it.

20SC 20MB hard drive - I used this with the Mac Plus. Works fine. Includes 
power cable and connector cable.

StyleWriter II printer - I haven't tested it, and haven't used it for 10 
years. Power and connector cables are present, and I have the driver 
software disks.
I'm in Platteville, WI. I'd take them as far as Madison or the Dubuque area 
and the general area between. Or you can come here to get them.

Dan Simpson
Platteville, WI 53818

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