I have the following notebooks for sale or trade (looking for an intel
Mini, lots of RAM for my DC PMG5, and any MacBook models)

Two Titanium and two Aluminum PowerBook G4s

Here are the specs:

TiBook (Mercury)  400Mhz, 256MB RAM, 30GB HD, Combo Drivecase is in
great shape!  No wear on the palm rests. Boots up and runs great.
Hinges are good, but there is a wire wedged between the clutch cover
and hinge that I guess I didn't get in there correctly when I was
putting the LCD in.  Other than that and the normal wear and tear on
the outer case it is a nice TiBook. There is a dead battery in the

TiBook (Onyx) (no DVI) 667Mhz, 128Mb RAM, 30GB HD, case is worn, the
display enclosure is separated at the bottom right hand corner of the
display and requires some care to open and close, but the hinges are
tight and not cracked.  Palm rest is worn.  but everything is in tact
and works great.  Outer case doesn't look too bad. No battery.

Both TiBooks have Airport and combo drives.

Aluminum 15' 1.5Ghz, 128MB RAM, 60GB HD, SuperDrive.  This one has
seen better days, but is still operating properly.  All components are
functioning, even the backlit keyboard, but the case is very battered
and separating from the top case due to some bending and twisting.
The display has several hot spots as can be seen in the images I've
provided links to below.  All in all, it's got some life left in it,
and might make a great "field" computer for someone.  No battery.

Aluminum 12' 1.33Ghz, 256MB RAM, 60GB HD, ComboDrive.  This is a cool
little Mac, but it has some case damage, too.  It took a hard blow in
the back where the clutch cover and bottom case meet.  So there is a
nice big dent back there.  It cracked the LCD, so I took one from
another PBook and transplanted it.  However, I did not completely
disassemble the 'Book, cuz thats a LOTTA work on these guys - I just
swapped the panels out. So it works great, and if you want, I'll sell
the dead one with the good case and you can make the swap yourself
into a un-dented case.  I was using it last night and it reminded me
how cool these 12 PowerBooks were when they came out.  But not fun to
service!  The battery holds a decent charge (about 2.5 hours for me)

I don't have any Apple wall chargers for these. - they are being sold
without them.

All these systems have Panther installed, except the 1.5Ghz PowerBook,
which has Tiger - these are the factory OS installs as per list rules,
but I do not have discs.

I'd like $300 + reasonable shipping for the lot, but am open to

As far as trading goes, I am interested in any Intel Mac Mini (core
duo preferred) and also I'd like to get about 16GB of RAM for my
PowerMac G5 DC 2Ghz (late 2005) - it uses PC4200 non-ecc RAM and I'm
always looking for MacBooks.

Shipping is from 33713, St. Petersburg FL

Thanks!  Here are links to the pictures of the units:


Jason Trunzo

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