Hi Swappers:

I would like to consolidate the glut of Macs I have and would like to
get down to 1 or 2 to make room for (drumroll) my first Intel Mac.  I
would consider trading the entire package for various Intel Core 2 Duo
units or for a partial trade towards a Mac Pro if you don't want to
buy but would like to trade.  Here's what I have:

1) iMac G3 Graphite Summer 2001 600 Mhz (Collector's Condition): Has
all original packaging, manuals, keyboard/mouse, install discs etc.
It was also upgraded with an Airport Card and has 768 MB RAM.
Otherwise - still has stock 40 GB HD and CD-RW.  $75 plus actual
shipping CONUS

2) eMac G4 1.42 Ghz 160 GB/Superdrive (parts): Interesting story here:
I have a new logic board for this as it had developed a video issue
likely due to blow capacitors.  Never got around to replacing.  Comes
with aftermarket power cord and new logic board if you have the time
to fix.  $85 plus actual shipping CONUS.  If you want a heavily used
ice cube keyboard and white optical mouse, I will include them for an
extra $15.

3) Pismo G3 400 Mhz: This unit still has a good bit of life left and
has several upgrades: 768 MB RAM, 40 GB HD, Airport Card.  Needs new
batteries (both main and PRAM completely dead) and it has the slight
pink hue on boot but clears up shortly.  It has worked fine this way
for 3 years, and should serve the new owner well for years to come.  I
was using the Pismo as a wireless file and print server.  Has original
box and accessory insert/manual, but not original inside styrofoam.
Original yo-yo power supply that was repaired with electrical tape by
previous owner.  $75 plus actual shipping CONUS.

4) 14" iBook G4 1.42 Ghz (parts): Disassembled - all works fine except
logic board where power connector broke off the logic board.  Screen/
optical in great shape.  Will throw in an iBook G4 original box.  No A/
C adapter.  $40 plus actual shipping CONUS.  I also have a 14" 1.2 Ghz
iBook screen I can include for an additional $20.  Only 1 good bezel
between the 2.

5) 2x Titanium PowerBook G4 500 Mhz (parts): Both units boot and work
when attached to a screen but do not display video on internal
display.  Likely a cabling issue within both LCDs, but I never got
around to fixing.  Will take $35 each or $60 for both plus actual
shipping CONUS.  1 good battery included between both.

All units will be zeroed out per list rules as no original install
discs are included except for the iMac G3.  However, if you want the
entire package and a retail boxed copy of Mac OS 10.4 Tiger Family
that will allow for 5 installs, I will sell this entire lot with the
Tiger Family pack for $450 shipped CONUS - a savings of about $100
considering the cost of shipping for everything will cost around $100
or so, and the Tiger Family pack also sells for around $100 these
days.  Thanks for looking.  I will have another list with lots of
accessories and software also coming soon!

Dan Bashur
3149 Olympic Club Dr.
Pickerington, OH 43147

eBay: dan23osu - Feedback - 100% positive since 5/26/1998

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