Hi swappers,

After a discussion over coffee, it has been decided to part with my

Before listing this on ebay, thought I would throw this out here.

A super condition Wallstreet, with the Sonnet G4 500 processor.
It has 512 Ram, 256/upper 256/lower slot
A Hitachi 60 gig hard drive,
A Orinoco Wireless card, DVD decoder card, and DVD drive in the slot.
The battery holds a charge for about 10 minutes, sometimes 30 on a
good day.
Will not warranty the battery.
It runs 9.2.2 with classilla like a rocket.
It runs 10.4 Tiger with no issues at all and with a little tweaking,
did youtube etc.
It is not the best machine for video processing, but it is a
phenominal machine non the less.
The screen is crisp and bright, and the casing is a 9 out of a 10.
Has been on a desk since new. I dont think you will find one this nice
It also comes with the original 300Mhz processor, and 128 Ram on that
daughter card.
It also comes with the original 8 gig hard drive, works fine, just was
not big enough for me.
It also has the software packet from apple. with the original software
CD's the Apple DVD software, and an organizer program.
It also comes with the Driver CD for the wireless card, and the
booklet from lucent as well.
It will be loaded with 9.2.2, and the original CDs are included.
It has the power adapter as well.

Would like $245 shipped, USPS.
There has never been an issue with this unit at all besides the
battery getting old.
Please email any questions. Will try to get some photos uploaded to
photobucket later tonight.
Offers welcome, crazy low offers will be politely ignored.

Will ship from 73401

Thank you
Matthew Adams
Ardmore Oklahoma 73401

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