I have a couple of Netgear-branded items here.  Both of them are sold  
as-is without any drivers or manuals as they've been sucked up by the  
entropy of this room but I bet they're available at the Netgear site.   
First is a firewall VPN router, the FVS318.  Specs at newegg.com 
), who is apparently still selling this for $90.  I used it with no  
issues until I upgraded to a gigabit router with wireless.  Comes with  
the power cord.  Second is a switch, FS105,which I only used a couple  
of times, also still for sale at newegg.com (http://tinyurl.com/ 
ypdl6n).  This also comes only with the power cord and is only 10/100,  
not gigabit.  The FS105 is going for $12.99 but you have to wait for a  
rebate... if I sell this alone, I'll sell it for $10 shipped, which is  
basically free, but it's just a cheap switch... solidly built, though.  
If you want the FVS318 alone, that'll be $45 shipped.  Both together,  
$45 shipped.  (yeah, why not?)  Shipping will be USPS, payment should  
be by paypal.  Offers/corrections welcome.

I'm in Beaverton OR 97006...

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