
Due to the demands of the modern internet, it's time to say goodbye to
my project of providing school kids with G3 iMacs - they just can't
keep up with the educational sites' Flash requirements.  They're still
wonderful machines for most other tasks - word processing, iTunes,
surfing and email, photo organizing, etc.

Maybe you know of a community center or similar that could use them?
I've asked around here, but it's a university town and it seems
everyone is taken care of with hand-me-downs from them.

So I have 2 different bundles for sale:

1) Lot of 5 G3 iMac 350MHz units. All running OS9, CD or CD-RWs, 6GB
or 10GB HDDs, 128MB RAM (+/- 32MB - there will be some variation). No
AirPort cards.  They are all working, all optical drives tested.  $100
for all five (so $20 each).

2) Lot of 4 G3 iMac 400 MHz - 500MHz. All running OS9, CD, CD-RW, or
DVD-ROMs, most have 10GB HDDs, 128 - 256MB RAM (+/- 64MB - there will
be some variation). No AirPort cards. All working, all optical drives
tested. $120 for all 5 (so $30 each).

I'm selling these as lots, will not break up. Add Apple USB keyboards
and hockey puck mice for $5 each. Add Apple Pro USB KB (black) and
generic USB 2-button ball-mouse for $10 each.  I have a random mix of
the above, so it's first-come, first-serve on the peripherals.

Take both lots for $200.

As I said, I'm looking for local buyers only. Pickup preferred, but I
will drive as far as 100 miles to deliver these.  Prices are OBO, so
make offers.  If you take both lots, I'll throw in all the keyboards
and mice for free. I really just want to see these used instead of
gathering dust in my basement.

Allison Payne
Champaign, IL  61820
eBay ID: forkeepsltd (100%)

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