Hi Swappers,

I've got a Powerbook G3 Pismo package for sale.  The Pismo's a 400,
very good shape cosmetically but probably a little bit of a fixer-
upper in some ways, ie no irda port cover, no rubber feet, hairline
crack on lower left corner of display - those are the only flaws I
see, none of which affect performance.  Screen is bright, no dead
pixels or pinkish hues; hinges are sturdy; main port door intact. Has
a 120 Gig hard drive and 768 Ram installed. I've run everything from
classic to Tiger on it.

Comes with working:
Yo-yo power adapter
VST Superdisk expansion bay
VST Zip 100 expansion bay
Battery (quirky; holds about a half hour charge)
Airport card

Whew. I think that's it; how does $180 CONUS shipped sound?  Will be
packaged securely and insured.


Matt Roland
Indianapolis, IN 46202

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